Our initiatives
BLUE ECOSYSTEM will test innovative methodologies focused on supporting territory decision-making processes through knowledge production in the blue sustainable economy field, building on existing results.
The project considers the needs of the quintuple helix stakeholders to enhance innovation and research capacities through a transformative and territorial co-creation approach with the setting of regional accelerator laboratories (the so-called TRAIN labs) in the Balearic Islands, Emilia-Romagna, Région Sud-Occitanie, Zadar County, Alentejo, Attica, Albania and Cyprus.
A subsequent match process at Mediterranean level will identify transnational challenges and opportunities for the solution acceleration.
Blue Ecosystem is a 33-month Interreg Euro-MED project, co-funded under the Programme’s mission “Strengthening an innovative sustainable economy,” with a budget of nearly 3 million euros.
Learn more: https://blueecosystem.interreg-euro-med.eu/